With us it's personal

Serving You Better

At Olympia Financial Group Inc. (“Olympia”), we take your complaints seriously. We understand that as a customer you expect your requests to be handled in a prompt and fair manner. We have adopted this Customer Dispute Resolution Policy in order to better serve our customers.

Three Easy Steps

Every customer concern that Olympia receives undergoes a careful examination in order to ensure that it is resolved in a prompt and fair manner. The following is an overview of Olympia’s Customer Dispute Resolution process:

Customer Dispute Resolution Policy

Effective May 9, 2024

Customer Dispute Resolution Policy Infographic
Level 1

Talk to your representative

If you have a concern about one of our products or services, you should start by expressing your concern to the individual you normally deal with at Olympia. If you are not satisfied with the response provided to you by your representative, please request to have your concern reviewed by the Complaints Officer for the respective business unit.
Level 2

Escalate to Complaints Officer

Each Division is supported by a Complaints Officer with the decision-making authority to resolve most concerns. The Complaints Officer will contact you to discuss your concern and how it may be resolved. Complaint Officers strive to resolve concerns within 14 calendar days (2 weeks) from the date on which the complaint was first communicated to Olympia. If they are unable to resolve your concern within 14 calendar days, they will escalate the complaint to a Dispute Resolution Officer.
Level 3

Dispute Resolution Officer (DRO)

You may also submit your concern in writing directly to the DRO. To do so, in writing, please explain the nature of your concern and how you would like to see your concern resolved and submit your concern to the Dispute Resolution Officer by email, mail or courier at:
Attention: Dispute Resolution Officer
Olympia Financial Group Inc.
4000, 520 – 3rd Ave SW
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R3
E-mail: resolutionofficer@olympiatrust.com

Role of the Dispute Resolution Officer

The role of Olympia’s Dispute Resolution Officer is to act independently and to objectively investigate your concern and explore all options that could reasonably lead to a resolution of your concern.
Upon receiving your written concern, Olympia’s Dispute Resolution Officer will send you an acknowledgement of receipt and will then use commercially reasonable efforts to address your concern within 42 calendar days (6 weeks) of receipt of all of the necessary documents or information required to evaluate your concern.
If, upon completing our evaluation, the Dispute Resolution Officer determines that the response that has been already communicated to you is satisfactory, an explanation of the decision-making process and reasons for the decision will be provided to you in writing. If the Dispute Resolution Officer determines a different response is appropriate, such response will be communicated to you in writing along with a description of the process followed to arrive at this decision and the reasons for the final decision.
In either case, you will be notified in writing of the final decision made by the Dispute Resolution Officer.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed at least annually by the Conduct Review Committee, to ensure that it remains consistent with regulatory requirements, and the overall goals and objectives of Olympia. The Policy may only be changed by the written action and approval of Olympia’s Board of Directors.